Andre Fili vs. Cub Swanson: A Clash of Styles in the Octagon

Andre Fili’s Performance Analysis: Andre Fili Vs Cub Swanson

Andre fili vs cub swanson – Andre Fili showcased his exceptional striking abilities and relentless pressure throughout the fight against Cub Swanson. His calculated approach and strategic decision-making allowed him to control the pace and dictate the terms of the bout.

In the annals of pugilistic lore, the epic clash between Andre Fili and Cub Swanson shall forever be etched, a tapestry woven with the threads of skill and determination. Yet, amidst the anticipation, a whisper of another battle reached our ears, one that would set the stage for future gladiatorial encounters.

Like a moth drawn to a flickering flame, our gaze shifted towards the impending Brian Ortega weigh in , a moment of truth where a warrior’s resolve would be laid bare. And so, as the scales tipped, we returned our attention to the imminent showdown between Fili and Swanson, their fists poised to ignite the fires of combat once more.

Striking Prowess

  • Fili displayed crisp and accurate striking, utilizing a combination of jabs, crosses, and leg kicks to keep Swanson at bay.
  • His footwork was impressive, allowing him to move in and out of range while maintaining balance and composure.
  • Fili’s timing was impeccable, as he capitalized on Swanson’s movements and openings to land significant strikes.

Pressure and Aggression

  • Fili relentlessly applied pressure on Swanson, constantly moving forward and engaging in close-range exchanges.
  • His relentless pursuit forced Swanson to react defensively, limiting his ability to counterattack effectively.
  • Fili’s aggression and determination played a crucial role in his victory, as he never allowed Swanson to gain momentum.


  • Fili displayed sound decision-making throughout the fight, choosing his shots wisely and avoiding unnecessary risks.
  • He effectively mixed up his strikes, keeping Swanson guessing and unable to anticipate his next move.
  • Fili’s ability to adapt to Swanson’s adjustments and capitalize on his weaknesses was a testament to his strategic approach.

Impact on the Outcome

Fili’s dominant performance in all three rounds earned him a unanimous decision victory. His superior striking, relentless pressure, and strategic decision-making proved to be the decisive factors in the outcome of the fight. Fili’s performance showcased his growth as a fighter and cemented his status as a rising star in the featherweight division.

In the realm of mixed martial arts, the epic clash between Andre Fili and Cub Swanson captivates the hearts of fight enthusiasts. Their intense rivalry mirrors the relentless purge orchestrated by Brian Ortega in the realm of violence. Like a relentless storm, Ortega’s purge sweeps away opponents, leaving a trail of shattered dreams in its wake.

Yet, as the dust settles, the focus returns to the captivating battle between Fili and Swanson, a testament to the enduring spirit of martial arts.

Cub Swanson’s Performance Analysis

Andre fili vs cub swanson

Cub Swanson, a seasoned veteran of the UFC, showcased a blend of experience and tactical prowess in his bout against Andre Fili. His strengths and weaknesses were evident throughout the fight, shaping the overall outcome.

Strengths, Andre fili vs cub swanson

  • Precise striking: Swanson’s striking was sharp and accurate, landing a significant number of punches and kicks on Fili. His footwork and timing allowed him to connect cleanly, often outmaneuvering his opponent.
  • Effective grappling: Swanson’s grappling skills were a major factor in the fight. He successfully took Fili down several times, controlled him on the ground, and threatened with submissions.
  • Cardiovascular endurance: Swanson’s exceptional cardio allowed him to maintain a high pace throughout the fight, pressuring Fili and dictating the tempo.


  • Susceptibility to leg kicks: Swanson’s leg defense proved to be a weakness, as Fili’s leg kicks caused significant damage and hindered his movement.
  • Occasional lapses in focus: There were moments when Swanson seemed to lose focus, allowing Fili to capitalize on his mistakes.
  • Limited power: While Swanson’s striking was accurate, it lacked the power to finish the fight early.

Swanson’s performance ultimately influenced the outcome of the fight. His precise striking and grappling control allowed him to dominate much of the bout, while his leg defense issues and lapses in focus prevented him from securing a decisive victory.

Fight Analysis

Andre fili vs cub swanson

The fight between Andre Fili and Cub Swanson was a back-and-forth affair with both fighters having their moments. However, there were a few key moments that turned the tide in Fili’s favor.

Fili’s Takedown in the Second Round

Fili’s takedown of Swanson in the second round was a crucial moment in the fight. Up until that point, Swanson had been controlling the fight with his striking. However, Fili’s takedown gave him the opportunity to control Swanson on the ground and wear him down.

Swanson’s Injury in the Third Round

Swanson suffered a knee injury in the third round that severely hampered his mobility. This injury made it difficult for Swanson to defend Fili’s takedowns and gave Fili the opportunity to control the fight on the ground.

Fili’s Ground and Pound in the Fourth Round

Fili’s ground and pound in the fourth round was relentless. He landed several hard shots that visibly hurt Swanson. This damage eventually led to Swanson’s TKO loss.

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